2020-06-08 Umming jQuery插件 评论(0) 浏览(2533)
jQuery Typeahead插件为搜索输入提供了自动完成预览, 类似于百度、google 搜索与内置选项和深度定制。这是一个简单的客户端库, 将添加更好的用户体验到您的网站搜索功能中, 通过相同的域 ajax 或跨域 jsonp 提供 typeahead (自动完成) 搜索预览, 并在本地存储中提供数据压缩。该插件是建立了很多选项和回调, 以允许自定义。
要求jquery 1.7.2以上版本,和typeahead
<html> <head> ... <!-- Optional CSS --> <linkrel="stylesheet"href="/vendor/jquery-typeahead/dist/jquery.typeahead.min.css"> <!-- Required JavaScript --> <script src="/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.js"></script> <scriptsrc="/vendor/jquery-typeahead/dist/jquery.typeahead.min.js"></script> ... </head>
有2种方法可以初始化 typeahead 搜索:
1、调用 typeahead () theinputoption 配置的函数 [推荐]
$.typeahead({ input:".js-typeahead", order:"asc", source: { groupName: { // Ajax Request ajax: { url:"..." } } }, callback: { onClickBefore:function() { ... } } });
2、使用独特 inputselector 创建一个 jquery 对象。然后链 typeahead () 函数包含参数作为一个对象。
$('.js-typeahead').typeahead({ order:"asc", source: { groupName: { // Array of Objects / Strings data: [ {...}, {...} ] } }, callback: { onInit:function() { ... } } });
html 结构和 css
typeahead 插件需要一个特定的 html 结构。这提供了一些优点:
轻松的 html 集成
默认样式使用 /dist/jquery.typeahead.min.css
Bootstrap 3 and 4 ready
* 2.5.0 typeahead 使用 theBEMcss 标准
<form> <divclass="typeahead__container"> <divclass="typeahead__field"> <spanclass="typeahead__query"> <inputclass="js-typeahead" name="q" type="search" autocomplete="off"> </span> <spanclass="typeahead__button"> <buttontype="submit"> <spanclass="typeahead__search-icon"></span> </button> </span> </div> </div> </form>
/** * @private * Default options */ var_options = { input:null,// *RECOMMENDED*, jQuery selector to reach Typeahead's input for initialization minLength: 2,// Accepts 0 to search on focus, minimum character length to perform a search maxLength:false,// False as "Infinity" will not put character length restriction for searching results maxItem: 8,// Accepts 0 / false as "Infinity" meaning all the results will be displayed dynamic:false,// When true, Typeahead will get a new dataset from the source option on every key press delay: 300,// delay in ms when dynamic option is set to true order:null,// "asc" or "desc" to sort results offset:false,// Set to true to match items starting from their first character hint:false,// Added support for excessive "space" characters accent:false,// Will allow to type accent and give letter equivalent results, also can define a custom replacement object highlight:true,// Added "any" to highlight any word in the template, by default true will only highlight display keys group:false,// Improved feature, Boolean,string,object(key, template (string, function)) groupOrder:null,// New feature, order groups "asc", "desc", Array, Function maxItemPerGroup:null,// Maximum number of result per Group dropdownFilter:false,// Take group options string and create a dropdown filter dynamicFilter:null,// Filter the typeahead results based on dynamic value, Ex: Players based on TeamID backdrop:false,// Add a backdrop behind Typeahead results backdropOnFocus:false,// Display the backdrop option as the Typeahead input is :focused cache:false,// Improved option, true OR 'localStorage' OR 'sessionStorage' ttl: 3600000,// Cache time to live in ms compression:false,// Requires LZString library searchOnFocus:false,// Display search results on input focus blurOnTab:true,// Blur Typeahead when Tab key is pressed, if false Tab will go though search results resultContainer:null,// List the results inside any container string or jQuery object generateOnLoad:null,// Forces the source to be generated on page load even if the input is not focused! mustSelectItem:false,// The submit function only gets called if an item is selected href:null,// String or Function to format the url for right-click & open in new tab on link results display: ["display"],// Allows search in multiple item keys ["display1", "display2"] template:null,// Display template of each of the result list templateValue:null,// Set the input value template when an item is clicked groupTemplate:null,// Set a custom template for the groups correlativeTemplate:false,// Compile display keys, enables multiple key search from the template string emptyTemplate:false,// Display an empty template if no result cancelButton:true,// If text is detected in the input, a cancel button will be available to reset the input (pressing ESC also cancels) loadingAnimation:true,// Display a loading animation when typeahead is doing request / searching for results filter:true,// Set to false or function to bypass Typeahead filtering. WARNING: accent, correlativeTemplate, offset & matcher will not be interpreted matcher:null,// Add an extra filtering function after the typeahead functions source:null,// Source of data for Typeahead to filter callback: { onInit:null,// When Typeahead is first initialized (happens only once) onReady:null,// When the Typeahead initial preparation is completed onShowLayout:null,// Called when the layout is shown onHideLayout:null,// Called when the layout is hidden onSearch:null,// When data is being fetched & analyzed to give search results onResult:null,// When the result container is displayed onLayoutBuiltBefore:null,// When the result HTML is build, modify it before it get showed onLayoutBuiltAfter:null,// Modify the dom right after the results gets inserted in the result container onNavigateBefore:null,// When a key is pressed to navigate the results, before the navigation happens onNavigateAfter:null,// When a key is pressed to navigate the results onMouseEnter:null,// When the mouse enter an item in the result list onMouseLeave:null,// When the mouse leaves an item in the result list onClickBefore:null,// Possibility to e.preventDefault() to prevent the Typeahead behaviors onClickAfter:null,// Happens after the default clicked behaviors has been executed onDropdownFilter:null,// When the dropdownFilter is changed, trigger this callback onSendRequest:null,// Gets called when the Ajax request(s) are sent onReceiveRequest:null,// Gets called when the Ajax request(s) are all received onPopulateSource:null,// Perform operation on the source data before it gets in Typeahead data onCacheSave:null,// Perform operation on the source data before it gets in Typeahead cache onSubmit:null,// When Typeahead form is submitted onCancel:null// Triggered if the typeahead had text inside and is cleared }, selector: { container:"typeahead__container", result:"typeahead__result", list:"typeahead__list", group:"typeahead__group", item:"typeahead__item", empty:"typeahead__empty", display:"typeahead__display", query:"typeahead__query", filter:"typeahead__filter", filterButton:"typeahead__filter-button", dropdown:"typeahead__dropdown", dropdownItem:"typeahead__dropdown-item", button:"typeahead__button", backdrop:"typeahead__backdrop", hint:"typeahead__hint", cancelButton:"typeahead__cancel-button" }, debug:false// Display debug information (RECOMMENDED for dev environment) };